Under 14’s

We welcome climbers aged 6 - 13 to boulder with us, but they will need supervising by someone over 18 on each visit.

Supervision at Hang.

It’s fairly simple, climbers under 14 need an over 18 with climbing experience to supervise them for the duration of their visit.

We have a maximum ratio of one adult to two children and reserve the right to ask you to leave if our supervision rules are not being followed properly.

To supervise, we require you to have climbing experience which we classify as having climbed elsewhere before or having completed an Introductory Session with us.

I have climbing experience

If you’ve got previous climbing experience, we just need you to head over to our registration page to fill out a form for yourself and your child.

Learn to Supervise

For those who have not climbed before but would like to learn how to supervise.


We love to see climbers of all ages, including families, enjoying our centre but, despite the looks of our big crash mats, we are not a “soft play” style activity.

Climbing is an activity with inherent dangers and risk of personal injury or death and, whilst we do our best to minimise the risks, our centre is a dangerous environment.


If you would prefer to talk to someone, feel free to give us a call on 02036213147 between 10-9 on weekdays.

You can also email us with any questions at info@hang.co.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.