Our centre conditions of use.
Welcome to Hang.
The following sections contain essential information about the risks, our conditions of use, as well as a release of liability. If you have any questions in relation to this agreement, please contact the centre or speak to a member of staff.
Hang About Limited is committed to protecting your privacy and further information is available in our privacy policy available at www.hang.co.uk/privacy-policy. This explains our data processing procedures, i.e. how we manage the data you share with us through various channels, plus your rights and options regarding how your data is used in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Please note that any data you provide us, is on a completely voluntary basis, however, without providing us with certain types of personal data we cannot provide access to our services or facilities. This waiver and consent will need to be renewed annually.
Participation Statements
BMC – “The British Mountaineering Council recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.”
ABC – “The Association of British Climbing Walls recognises that all climbing activities have a risk of serious injury. Participants must recognise that even if they follow all good practice there may still be a risk of accident and injury. It is the responsibility of the participant to adhere to the conditions of use.”
1. Assumption & Acknowledgement of Risk
a. I hereby Acknowledge and accept that the activity of climbing, both indoors and outdoors, and the use of Hang Climbing Centre’s facilities, participation in its activities and services or observation of such activities, involves risks. I recognise that some risks are inherent and as such cannot be eliminated or reduced. I confirm that I understand the nature and extent of these risks, which can include, but are not limited to:
i. All manner of injury resulting from falling from height and coming into contact with; the floor, climbing surface, people and/or other permanent or temporary structures.
ii. Injuries resulting from the actions or oversight of others, including, but not limited to; falling climbers or dropped items.
iv. Failure or misuse of equipment or any part of the facilities.
v. Failure to follow direct instruction or implementation of best practices.
vi. Failure to follow Hang Climbing Centre’s conditions of use and rules, as outlined in sections 2a through to 3d.
b. I further acknowledge that there are risks associated with the use of Hang Climbing Centre’s and participation in its activities other than climbing-related ones, including, but not limited to, the use of training equipment, cafe and lounge or participation in group activities.
c. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge neither I, nor any person(s) I am signing on behalf of, suffer from a medical condition that could increase the risk that I, or they, will be involved in an accident which could result in injury to myself, them or others.
d. I agree that I, plus any minors I may be responsible for supervising during my visit, will be happy to complete a safety induction of the bouldering area when asked by a member of staff and before being permitted to climb.
2. Conditions of Use
a. Our Duty of Care – The rules set out in section 3 are not intended to limit your enjoyment of our facilities and services. They are part of the duty of care that we, as operators, owe to you our customers, by law. As such they are not negotiable. If you are not prepared to abide by them, you may not use our facilities or services. Should it come to our attention that you are not abiding by our rules you may be asked to leave.
b. Your Duty of Care – You also have a duty of care to act responsibly towards other users and adhere to our rules. Statements of ‘Best Practice’ are posted around the centre adjacent to the relevant activity. These describe the accepted methods of use and how customers would normally be expected to behave towards each other.
c. Safeguarding – Safeguarding means protecting the health, wellbeing and human rights of anyone at risk, this could be children or adults, enabling them to live safely, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and reduce both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect. We have a designated safeguarding officer available to all staff, customers and with assistance available confidentially.
d. Unsupervised Climbing – Before you engage in any climbing activity without supervision, we expect you to be competent in the activity you wish to undertake, including completing an assessment if required and undertaking an induction before using the centre. By registering, you both understand and accept the risks, and agree to abide by ‘The Conditions or Use’ and ‘The Rules’ involved in your participation. Unsupervised climbing is just that, staff will provide whatever help and advice they can, but formal instruction in the use of equipment will only be provided when booked and paid for. Should you not be competent in the use of any equipment, you must not attempt to use it without the supervision of someone who is competent and assessed to that effect. Anyone not registered unsupervised must not take part in or use the facilities and services without the supervision of a competent person.
e. Supervised Climbing – An adult who has registered for ‘Unsupervised Climbing’ may supervise up to two novices, only if they are prepared to take full responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of those novices. Groups of three or more novices must only be supervised by an instructor or coach holding the relevant qualification and insurance and who has registered with our Operations Manager. Novices must remain with their supervisor at all times whilst within climbing areas. When engaged in supervision, a supervisor must not leave the ground at any point.
f. Under 16’s – All under 16’s must be directly supervised by an adult deemed competent in the activity they are engaging in unless they have been registered and assessed by staff to engage in ‘Unsupervised Climbing’. We may require direct contact with a parent or guardian for authorisation to use any of the facilities if under 18.
g. Facilities & Services – Hang. reserves the right to close the facilities or part thereof for any period of time required for route setting, tournaments, other activities or in connection with repairs, alterations or maintenance work. Occasionally we film and take photographs which could be used for marketing and training purposes. CCTV images of all facilities will be monitored and recorded throughout for the purposes of crime prevention and public safety.
3.The Rules
Check-in at reception upon each visit before engaging in any activity.
Exercise due care, common sense, and self-preservation at all times.
Report any problems with the walls, equipment or other climber’s behaviour to a member of staff immediately.
No running anywhere in the centre at any time.
No sitting, lying, rolling on the crash mats.
Be aware of other climbers and how your actions could affect them.
Never stand/walk or climb directly under or next to someone who is climbing.
Stand well back from the climbing walls unless you are supervising a climber.
Avoid distracting others whilst they are climbing or supervising.
Remove all jewellery and items from your pockets before entering the climbing areas.
Please be aware that the impact flooring does not remove the risk of injury but is designed to reduce the severity of these injuries.
Do not climb over or ‘Top Out’ on any bouldering surfaces.
Always ensure you are in a position to descend safely.
Descend by down climbing only, should that not be possible, then at the very least use a controlled fall.
Uncontrolled falls greatly increase the risk of injury to yourself or others.
Harnesses and rope related equipment, must not be worn.
Ensure the climbing area and your persons are free from hazardous items. Refer to ‘Best Practice’ signage for specific area safety rules.
Be aware of the emergency exits and fire assembly points.
b. Additional Safety Considerations
Volumes on the walls are designed to enhance the quality of your experience but, you must be aware of, and accept, that when climbing above them there is an increase in the potential risk of you falling on them.
Climbing beyond your capabilities on any wall is likely to result in a fall. Any fall, despite the safety systems in place, may result in an injury. You must make your own assessment of risk continuously when climbing.
Participants must understand that climbing while pregnant can increase the risk posed to both mother and unborn child.
Participants must be aware of, and accept, that climbing holds may spin or break.
You must do everything reasonable and practicable to avoid endangering yourself and others.
c. Instructed & Coached Sessions
Always abide by the safety rules together with any instructions or advice given prior to or during the session.
Upon check-in, to the facility, it will be made clear whether an instructor or coach is provided for the session.
A responsible adult for any minor should be available within the facility throughout the duration.
All under 18's must be supervised at all times. This covers from entry until exit from the facility.
d. Training Area & Equipment
All training facilities and equipment are used at your own personal risk.
Please follow ‘Best Practice’ notices where applicable or seek further advice from the Hang team.
Under 18’s should not use the training areas or equipment unless directly supervised by a member of the Hang team or a competent adult.
4. Release of Liability
My participation, and that of any person(s) I am signing on behalf of, is purely voluntary, and I or they, elect to participate despite the risks.
I certify that to the best of my knowledge, I do not suffer from any medical condition that might have the effect of making it more likely that I will be involved in an accident that could result in injury to myself or others.
I recognise that bouldering and climbing are physical activities with a danger of personal injury or death.
I am aware that there may be other incompetent users within the facility and accept the risk that they may pose to me.
I understand the Hang safety video is only provided as a guide to best practice and does not replace formal instruction.
I will notify the centre should any of my circumstances relating to this waiver or my personal information change.
I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to hold harmless Hang Climbing Centre, its owners and employees, with respect to all losses, damages, claims or other liabilities, whether known or unknown, arising out of any property damage, personal injury or wrongful death in any way connected to my participation, and that of any person(s) I am signing on behalf of, in activities both indoors and outdoors, that are hosted by or involve Hang Climbing Centre, its facilities/services or employees, with the exception of gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
I authorise Hang Climbing Centre employees to provide or obtain medical assistance without liability, for me or any person(s) I am signing on behalf of, and if required, to arrange transport for me or them to a medical facility.
I confirm that Hang Climbing Centre may use any photograph or video of me or any person(s) I am signing on behalf of, taken inside their facilities or at any activity hosted by them, for promotional purposes related solely to the advertisement of their business.