We are actively looking for new hang locations.
If you're interested or know of a venue we could rent, get in touch with us.
We do however have some specific requirements.
What we’re looking for.
London & South East - with a local population of 100,000+ within 10 min drive
A minimum clear floor-to-ceiling height of 4.5m
10,000 – 15,000 sq ft of clear space over one or two floors
Planning use class E or D2 (leisure) with unrestricted 7-day/365 access between 10 am - 10 pm
10 years minimum unexpired lease with the potential to extend
Dedicated Entrance
High Visibility with prominent signage opportunities
Good public transport links
Parking for 40+ cars (ideally on-site or free nearby)
Disabled access
Suitable Locations
Close to main transport hubs
City/town centres
Residential developments
Good quality industrial parks
Retail parks (both in and out of town)
Suitable Unit Types
Mixed-use schemes
Redundant offices